domingo, 29 de maio de 2011

Poem of the day: The Republic of Dreams

The Republic of Dreams

She lay so still that
as she spoke

a spider spun a seamless web
upon her body

as we spoke
and then her limbs came loose

one by one
and so my own

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

End of the Road: May Issue

Interview with Portuguese band Switchtense, album reviews and other articles. Always done with great effort and dedication. Our little contribution to the world. Enjoy.

quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

Poema do dia: Escolha


Quando é que enfim nos dispomos
A morrermos lado a lado?
Bons ou maus, o que nós fomos,
Nessa escolha transmudado,

Será só brisa da aurora
Que de nós sobe à cidade,
Quando no sangrar da hora
Reflorir a liberdade.

Fonte: Poema de Horas de Vidro

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Conhecendo Alice Vieira: quatro poemas

Alice Vieira

a) 2

como dizer aos meus olhos que se afastem
do incêndio que lavra a oriente do teu sangue
rasgando a minha fome

e me protejam nesta imperfeita madrugada
em que as línguas dos homens e dos anjos
se confundem

b) 1

de tudo o que era meu deixo-te o fogo
os resíduos do tempo a ferida gangrenada
o palato onde a língua se desvenda
nos ritos obscuros da morte

deixo-te ainda o declínio dos lugares
onde as vozes amadas se perderam para sempre
e o eco das palavras desgarradas ao meio-dia
quando os cães ladravam
no calor dos pátios clandestinos

- e aquele estranho lugar no coração
aberto sempre a quem chegava mesmo quando
não sabíamos o seu nome

c) 5

a língua sobre a pele o arrepio
os teus dedos nas escadas do meu corpo

as lâminas do amor o fogo a espuma
a transbordar de ti na tua fuga

a palavra mordida entre os lençóis
as cinzas de outro lume à cabeceira

da mesma esquina sempre o mesmo olhar:
nada do que era teu vou devolver

d) 6

entre a saliva e os sonhos há sempre
uma ferida de que não conseguimos

e uma noite a vida
começa a doer muito
e os espelhos donde as almas partiram
agarram-nos pelos ombros e murmuram
como são terríveis os olhos do amor
quando acordam vazios

Fonte: excertos de Dois Corpos Tombando Na Água

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

Poem of the day: Blood

C. Dale Young


Someone has already pulled a knife
across my chest, and the rope has already
gripped our wrists drawing blood.

I am naked, and I cannot be sure
if you are as well. In the room, the men
come and go, yelling blood bath, half-blood,

. We never hear the word trueblood.
In my dreams I am dying all the time.
We are bound and gagged, blindfolded,

but still I know you must be the one
lying there, the cool anodized steel table
beneath us, the two of us side by side.

Lying there, my shoulder blades ache,
and there is blood collecting in
the corners of my mouth. But then it happens,

just as it always happens: your fingers
suddenly twist into tiny shoots, your arms
break free as you accept the shape

of a tree, the leaves sprouting, the delicate
bark rising up from your skin's surface.
Try as I might, I never seem able.

On the telephone this morning, I again
keep the dream to myself. Half-blood
becomes half-breed. Blood-bitch

becomes blood-sister. But blood never lies,
does it? Blood carries so many secrets
one can only hear its murmurs in our arteries,

its incessant monologue, in the quiet
night's bed just before sleep. Blood says
You are more and, sometimes, You are less.

Album of the month: Grayceon - All We Destroy

Grayceon is a very unique band from the USA. And All We Destroy is one of the best albums released so far this year . You probably won't find anything like it anytime soon. The creativity of metal at its best.
A must-listen. Highly recommended. Album of the month.

domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

Poem of the Day: Dark Matter

Jack Myers

Dark Matter

I've lived my life as if I were my wife
packing for a trip—I'll need this and that
and I can't possibly do without that!

But now I'm about
what can be done without.
I just need a thin valise.
There's no place on earth
where I can't unpack in a flash
down to a final spark of consciousness.
No place where I can't enter
the joyless rapture
of almost remembering
I'll need this and I'll need that,
hoping to weigh less than silence,
lighter than light.

Sugestão musical para acompanhar o poema: Porcupine Tree - Dark Matter